Mamma Mia (FULL)


Based on the songs of the Swedish pop group ABBA,Mamma Mia, is set on the Greek island of Kalokairi. A 20 year old woman named Sophie wants to have a traditional wedding and hopes her father will walk her down the aisle, but there's one problem: she has no idea who her father is! With help from her mother’s journal, she narrows the possibilities down to three men, and hilarity ensues as they all claim her as their child! Featuring all the hits you know and love, like“Dancing Queen”, “Thank You for the Music”,and, of course,“Mamma Mia!”,this show will have you singing and dancing in the aisles

Fee: $125
Location:  Westchester Broadway Theatre, One Broadway Plaza, Elmsford, NY
Includes:  Transportation and a meal during the show
Show starts at 11:30am - Meet at Abilis, 50 Glenville Street, Greenwich at 10am
Appropriate for:  All Ages



Event Properties

Event Date 06-04-2017 11:30 am
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price $125.00

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